Protests Global’s mission is to empower people to make their opinions heard. We address the following six pressing social issues:

  • There is a lack of education about our human rights.
  • It’s too difficult to find upcoming protests.
  • There is no way to find out if a protest is legal before attending.
  • Current options fail to display key information about protest events.
  • There are no community focused organisations focused on protest.
  • Protests are on the rise and demand is growing.


Our platform is set out to collaborate with local authorities and help protestors to find, organise, and promote events online. We believe everyone has the right to be heard. We are not affiliated with any political party, government, or external organisation, nor do we take sides in elections or referendums. We do not promote any particular political view and do not endorse candidates. As an information provider, we provide the following services to the public:

  • Verifying protests are legitimate, legal, and safe.
  • Making it easier to find protests, even if you may be previously unfamiliar with their organisers.
  • Providing resources and advice to educate the public about protesting and protest rights in their location.
  • Protest focused technology such as live updates from organisers as protests happen.


Clarity, judgement, and authority


Inspiration to stand up and speak up


Working together and with local authorities for change

Protests Global will provide benefit to:

  • Activists, mission-led groups, and mission-led organisations globally to grow their movement and raise awareness about their cause.
  • People who care about issues being protested who want to find and join causes their care about.
  • Government officials and press officials through empowering the public to voice their opinions peacefully and legally.

Social Impact

1. Verifying protests are legitimate, legal, and safe.

Informing the public about protests deemed legal by local authorities empowers communities to voice their opinions peacefully and legally. These activities will be for public gain. CIC status helps communicate these objectives to authorities.

2. Making it easier to find protests, even if you may be previously unfamiliar with their organisers.

Reported protests have steadily rose throughout the decade (up 81% from 2010 to 2019 in the UK alone). Helping people find and join in movements that they care about is a fundamental part of helping them make their voices heard. CIC status will help us clearly communicate our commitments whilst empowering communities. Protests are on the rise and demand is growing.

3. Providing resources and advice to educate the public about protesting and protest rights in their location.

We help the public stay up to date with local laws and regulations around protests. new regulations such as the UK’s Protest Powers Police, Crime, Sentencing & Courts Act 2022 see the public unaware of their changing human rights. We aim to tackle this through publishing content that educates and empowers the public.

4. Protest focused technology such as live updates from organisers as protests happen.

Developing technology bespoke to protest environments will help us keep the public informed and safe in fast changing environments. The needs of the marketplace require us to combine the drive and growth trajectory of a tech start up with the mission focused responsibility of a non-profit.


For more information, please visit our Community Guidelines and making sure you’re clear on Your Rights ahead of planning a protest.

Support us on our journey to making protests safer and more accessible. Donate now.

Our pledge

“We pledge to use our assets to empower people to make their opinions heard, to expand the reach of our platform, deepen our relationships with mission led groups and officials, and develop our offering so we may continue to improve how people organise and attend protests. All donations received from individuals or outside organisations will have no bearing on the mission, campaigns, or decisions set forth by Protests Global.”

Make a difference

Protests is a movement to empower people to make their opinions heard.


Helping people find protests.


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Everyone has the right to be heard.

Protests Global CIC

Improving how people organise and attend protests.